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#234, CIA/OIG/FBI All Knew Hillary Clinton Setup TRUMP/Russia Scam. HRC in Belfast Ireland, 'WAR Criminal' Chants

Red Pill Ken
Red Pill Ken - 552 Views
Published on 25 Sep 2021 / In

Thank you for your support to or K. Lane PO Box 24851 Columbia SC 29224. For GOD & Country We FIGHT.

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MoralitySheriff17 3 years ago

When President Trump lays down his final hand in this charade we call our election, he will be playing a royal flush with the results from the incorruptible blockchain voting system he ran. The same one he gave the usps a patent for at the same time Nancy Pelosi was publicly screaming for him to fund the usps. Bang! He played that and not another word about it from them. They knew they couldn't win.

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MoralitySheriff17 3 years ago


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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 3 years ago

It is a TRAUMA Based Reality in 2021 CE Now, once a week at best, I drive down to Atlanta GEORGIA USA from up here in NORTH CAROLINA too make sure I can still cross the State Boarder, and that the Back Roads from this state to the next closest state are accessible if THEY LIVE shut down the Major Highways… As of September 26th, 2021 there has been no issue in the place I go to have a Meal – Companionship – Drinks with NO MASK and no need for Proof of Vaccination, and I am sure as the months go on this will most likely change, but if you have a LOCAL Hang out, and you, and the people that attend that Local Hang out don’t want to be #COVAXXED , then you should set up a SYSTEM now to make a way to show fake CDC Cards, and Fake Vaccination, and Fake Test just among that Public gathering only city to city in all U.N. FLAGS…. I know many of you have not become the MENTICIDE, and I know many of you just like me are sick of seeing Jabs and Needles and INJECTIONS Shown Daily on the TV Screens by these FAKE JEWS of Hollywood USA from the Book of REVELATION where the U.N. Troops of JADE HELM 15 for COVID-19 have used G4S and Black Rock and Academy too REPLACE our local police departments as these "things" wear our LOCAL POLICE Uniforms whom are those who only have this Job carrying a "GUN" / weapon to shoot (you and me dead) because we are Forced to Pay Taxes to hire them to arrest we their Fellow CORPORATE CITIZENS for the RULE OF LAW we do not agreed with, nor have any say in Changing such laws of Oppression and Subjugation!!!! That Spoken, We of Pak-Toe #BOYCOTT all things, and we even have made our own Pineapple Tale of the Crypt Bitcoin "App" to do what we need to Buy Medications that [we make] Qballs~ /_\ on our Own from THC to Goldenrod, and we pay people to {Conceal Carry} as all these FREE MASON C.O.P.S. have taken over this side of the world, and we know "The Racka" in MATHEW 5 is the United Nations General Assembly of Agenda 21 of Agenda 2030 this Byzantine EMPIRE where all Books, and Magazines, and INFORMATION is controlled by Liars of Malfeasance on these TV SCREENS "regardless" of U.N. FLAG on our side of FLAT EARTH in our Shared Celestial Sphere with the other side of the world in these Days of Noah Restored: till the END OF TIME in 2094 CE We know the Self Test are Tainted, and we know when we get Forced COVAX Test those will be “tainted” because we have put just water on the Test from Bottled, and Tap Water, and even boiled distilled WATER......., and we still get a FALSE "Positive" for (COVID-19) as a result........., so know the CORPORATIONS are the INTERNATIONALIST, and these Companies only get away with things because you can’t live without a fucking "Happy Meal" because your Children, and their Children are all Mind Wiped by the Commercials in all these CORPORATION Capitalist AMTV #TV SHOWS of Buy My ShiT!!!! Now I know A Call for an Uprising is just one more TRAUMA FEAR PORN Type Production, but his information is all a part of Give them Hope, and then Take it Away!!!! GIVE THEM HOPE!!!! TAKE IT AWAY!!!! For this is how Menticide Works my Romantic Warriors!!!! So keep kicking it, and I will see you at the Camp Fire!!!!! Give them hope..... Take it away.... USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! the World Police of U.N. Troops Peacekeepers!!!!! #Lobster ? Johnny Exodice: Living The Dream……….. None The Matter, Purgatory will be Purgatory… Do not allow those whom live off of your money to tell you what to do!!! Since you are "hiring them" to Preach the Word of GOD, then THEY LIVE are to (Fear You) +=+ when THEY LIVE tell you to FEAR their ink on paper GOD!!!! Without the Money of the Mindless MENTICIDE Masses, not one Religion would be able to say anymore Lies Agreed Upon......., so BoyCOTT all "Corporations" that harm you including your Local Churches, unless, you have a system within the system…. #YellowROSE ?

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MoralitySheriff17 3 years ago

Didn't do the speech today

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MoralitySheriff17 3 years ago

Didn't skip

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Red Pill Ken
Red Pill Ken 3 years ago

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Marion Marielouiseclaire

ThanQ brother RpK for bringing the patriot news wishing you and all the family a blessed week end

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glenbun 3 years ago

Attorney Matt DePerno: Arizona Audit Officials Were Threatened – Forced to Water Down Audit Report. OUR SIDE AIN'T SHIT THAT'S WHY WE NEVER WIN.

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Red Pill Ken
Red Pill Ken 3 years ago

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MoralitySheriff17 3 years ago

Time for the 2nd. He Mentone it in every speech I've ever heard him give, and that's allot. Every speech, he mentions God, love and the 2nd. No coincidences.

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